Update 12/05/2021

Monday, April 26, 2021



One of the core aspects of this game is the character interaction. I want the player to slowly get to know everyone, what they like, dislike, and their maneirisms. Really create a link with them, and rather than go for something too obvious like the "amnesia" tool a lot of people like to go for these days so the protagonist can learn along with the audience, I went with something more appropriate and made him a transfer student. Any of you who had to change schools in the middle of the year, or in your senior year might remember how hard it (usually) is to catch up with everyone.


In the next few days, I'll be presenting each character individualy, and explaining a bit of what went into their design, but for now, here's a crash course of the friends that'll be joining you on the school trip:


The Protagonist:

He's the one you'll be following for most of the story, and seeing the game through the eyes of.
An introvert, who suffered a mysterious loss of his best friend, Lucia, and had to change schools to deal with the pain.


A weird girl who spends most of the time in her own world. This might make it seem like she's hard to approach if you're not in her particular wevelenght, but those who do, will find in her a girl that's particularly sensitive.



Solar's best friend, and at times, complete opposite. A cheerful, down to earth girl who dreams of being a photographer. Don't say this to her face, but she get's scared really easily.



A transfer student, much like yourself. People get tired of saying such a long and hard name, so everyone calls him "Hada". He comes from a country that most people never heard of, but he assures you it's very wealthy, and he won't let you forget that.


A kid who consumes way too much for his own good. Both food and media. He acts silly most of the time, going off on tangents that most people can't follow, but a lot of it makes a lot of sense if you "get it, man".


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